Sunday, February 13, 2011

A New Day

Water droplets are forming as dew begins to gather
A sweetly scented breeze flows past my face
The virgin day is forming right before my eyes
I close them tight to feel her brisk embrace

One second is what breaches then and now
In this moment there is no day to be
It's a rare and honest glimpse of perfect limbo
I mustn't blink for fear I will not see

Or could I close my eyes and feel the merger
Would I sense this change of beauty on my skin
No, such splendor simply cannot be determined
But by the change the happens deep within

Saturday, February 5, 2011


As night calls me to slumber
And the day has set me free
Your memory is all I ponder
Your essence is all that can be

Briefly scented memories
Of pine trees and cologne
Sun-kissed golden yesterdays
Have left me all alone

I shivered in the cold
To wait for your embrace
Hours of lonely pondering
In silk and fragile lace

Somewhere in these years
Since love welded tight it's door
You have found a devious way
To make me beg for more

My stupors of sleepy consciousness
In realm from day to night
Beseech for your encounter
I wish I had seen your plight