Friday, January 14, 2011

She works to pay the mortgage while she thinks about the past
She just can't understand why her dream was not to last
It wasn't very long ago when possibilities were so vast
Now her future with her children is moving by too fast

There used to be a time when love was all she knew
She'd stay at home so happily attending to her brood
Then one day fate was not so kind, and tragedy ensued
Now within her walls, one would guess a solemn mood

But inside her home is joyous and her children smile and play
Just like the happy moments in their life of yesterday
She gives them hugs and kisses in her motherly way
Then she lays them down to sleep and together they pray

They pray for all the silly things that children hold so dear
Stuffed teddybears and friends are the first things that we hear
Next the prayer changes to a different atmosphere
When Mommy hears her children pray for something more this year

It is no easy task to fill her burdened shoes
But she does it with a smile, and her smile is not a ruse
Her strength cannot be seen with uneducated eyes
She is a woman of His glory seeking Faith from up on high

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